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Mahatma Organic White Rice, 2lb Bag of Rice, Stovetop or Microwave Rice in 20 Minutes
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Mahatma Organic White Rice, 2lb Bag of Rice, Stovetop or Microwave Rice in 20 Minutes

Product ID: 79911711
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At Mahatma Rice, we unite cultures and flavors with rice that cooks up light and fluffy. Reimagine traditional recipes and kickstart your culinary exploration with our Organic White Rice 2-pound bag. Our organic-variety white rice has a neutral or mild flavor profile in contrast to the nuttier flavor of organic brown rice or an aromatic option like Jasmine rice. Each grain cooks up separately for tantalizing results. The possibilities for cooked rice are endless, whether you're blending a breakfast smoothie, stirring up rice tortilla soup for lunch, combining rice with meat or a vegan protein for a hearty dinner plate, or preparing a sweet, satisfying rice pudding for dessert. Easily prepare this rice bag according to the package directions in only 20 minutes on a stovetop or 30 minutes in the microwave. This tasty bulk rice will gather the entire family, even those with dietary considerations, as it's gluten-free, MSG-free, preservative-free, verified by the Non-GMO Project, and USDA Certified Organic. Our rice is also kosher, vegan, and vegetarian, so everyone can dig into your delicious recipes for a culinary bonding experience they will all enjoy!At Mahatma, we know about good rice. From aroma and texture to delicious flavor, our rice has it all! We’ve been trusted by American families for close to 100 years by providing consistent quality and flavor in every bag. Mahatma Rice is easy to prepare, inspiring you to perfectly blend ingredients, cultures, and traditions to create diverse dishes with boundless flavor that makes Mahatma a recipe for success.

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Abdullah B.

Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

3 weeks ago

Pooja R.

The customer service exceeded my expectations. Perfect for buying products you can't find elsewhere.

1 week ago

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