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Nourison Somerset Rustic Flame 5'3" x 7'5" Area-Rug, Easy-Cleaning, Non Shedding, Bed Room, Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen (5x7)
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Nourison Somerset Rustic Flame 5'3" x 7'5" Area-Rug, Easy-Cleaning, Non Shedding, Bed Room, Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen (5x7)

Product ID: 46964440
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Somerset ST74 Flame 5'6" x 7'5" area rug by Nourison is a perfect fit for any interior design or furnishing scheme. Nourison is number one in the floor covering market and offers a wide range of handmade area rug collections: from the Nourison 2000, to the best-selling powerloom carpets of Ashton House, to the Timeless collection, an unparalleled level of luxury and sophistication in living area rug construction. Throughout the United States and Europe, customers the world over rely on Nourison for an inexhaustible supply of merchandise in virtually every price category. A collection of blossoms cast a bold accent upon this sophisticated Somerset area rug from Nourison. Bearing the rich patina of premium-quality Opulon yarns, it boasts a densely woven and strikingly luxurious pile that's ultra-soft and oh-so pleasing to the eye. A magnificent selection of traditional and transitional designs ensures that the Somerset collection will offer the right choice for any decorating style. This 100% polyacrylic indoor rug is 5'6" x 7'5" and is perfect for your bedroom and other high-traffic living areas. This luxurious rug for bedrooms and living rooms is adorned with Asian-inspired blossoms and is colored with rich hues of crimson, sandrift, and millbrook to lend an air of elegant opulence to your home décor. This rug would be perfectly situated next to your bed or underneath your coffee table, sofa table or with your end table. Whatever living area you choose to grace with this rug, you're sure to enhance the "feng shui" of your living space. We offer this bedroom and living room rug with a 30-day, full-money-back guarantee and assure you that it can be returned no questions asked. Add this rug to your cart by clicking the "Add-to-Cart" button and buy it now. We run out of inventory really fast so order now while stocks last.

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The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

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